
2015 Independence Address to the nation by Prime Minister of Grenada Dr the Right Hon. Keith Mitchell

Reading Time 9 minsFellow citizens,   Today, on this 41st anniversary, we recommit ourselves to deepening our independence so as to give purpose to the next generation.    Today, let us as a people march forward into the future — ready to take on the next 41.   Our biggest asset in going forward will be the unity of our people.   Let it be clear, when we speak of unity, and as we continue to sound the clarion call, we are not asking for others to join our political party.   Everyone has the right to their own political affiliation,… Read More »2015 Independence Address to the nation by Prime Minister of Grenada Dr the Right Hon. Keith Mitchell

The NDC’s 2015 Independence Address

Reading Time 2 mins Tyrell House, H.A. Blaize Street, St. George’s, Grenada. Phone: 473 409 1621 E-Mail: Sunday, 08 February 2015 St. George’s, Grenada PRESS RELEASE STATEMENT BY POLITICAL LEADER OF THE NATIONAL DEMOCRATIC CONGRESS, SENATOR V. NAZIM BURKE, ON THE OCCASION OF GRENADA’S 41st ANNIVERSARY OF INDEPENDENCE. Fellow Grenadians: On behalf of the National Democratic Congress, I wish to extend to you heartiest congratulations on this the 41st anniversary of our independence. The raising of the Grenadian flag on Fort George at Midnight on February 6th gave us the power to manage our own affairs, including the resources… Read More »The NDC’s 2015 Independence Address