
Comments: Senator the Honorable Brenda Hood

Reading Time 3 mins  Our theme of this BDN issue is “Moving Forward in Unity to Build a Stronger Nation.” We  are compiling the contributions of writers, artists, poets, photographers, our leaders, and everyone with a voice and view to share on Grenada’s 41st anniversary of independence.   Senator the Honourable Brenda Hood Ministry of Tourism, Civil Aviation and Culture     QUESTION: What is the culture ministry’s definition of culture? The definition of culture has been clearly outlined in the Grenada National Cultural Policy and I believe it gives us a better understanding of our vision for the work being done… Read More »Comments: Senator the Honorable Brenda Hood

Comments: Honourable Derrick James

Reading Time 3 mins As you are fully aware, Grenada, Carriacou and Petite Martinique will be celebrating its 41st anniversary of political independence from Britain on February 7, 2015. Birthdays are times to reflect on life lived, paths traveled, and upcoming opportunities to take advantage of. As it is for the individual, the same is true for a nation. Big Drum Nation (BDN) is joining the festivities as we celebrate our nation’s accomplishments, appreciate our shared ideals, and assess our potential. We are seeking the contributions of writers, artists, poets, photographers, our leaders, and everyone with a voice and view… Read More »Comments: Honourable Derrick James

2015 Independence Address to the nation by Prime Minister of Grenada Dr the Right Hon. Keith Mitchell

Reading Time 9 minsFellow citizens,   Today, on this 41st anniversary, we recommit ourselves to deepening our independence so as to give purpose to the next generation.    Today, let us as a people march forward into the future — ready to take on the next 41.   Our biggest asset in going forward will be the unity of our people.   Let it be clear, when we speak of unity, and as we continue to sound the clarion call, we are not asking for others to join our political party.   Everyone has the right to their own political affiliation,… Read More »2015 Independence Address to the nation by Prime Minister of Grenada Dr the Right Hon. Keith Mitchell

Forty-one- Press on or Perish

Reading Time 1 mins BIGDRUMNATION is back from a longish sabbatical. We have returned just in time to be a part of the various events all meant to celebrate the Birth of the Nation. The celebration of the Nation invites both joy and fear: joy for the possibilities that fly on the wings of a grand journey, and on the other hand a trembling fear of the construction of the new. But we here. We are at forty-one. And 41 must face the truth- we must press on or we perish. A Nation is a quilt of self-minded individuals. This fact… Read More »Forty-one- Press on or Perish