October 2018

35th Anniversary of 19th October, 1983 — A.L. Rougier

Reading Time 3 minsAfter my visit to Grenada earlier this year, I decided to title the 2nd Annual Symposium on the Grenadian Revolution, 1979: Freedom Hill. This idea came together because of a poem Joseph Ewart Layne shared with me called 1979. Freedom Hill is the title of another one of his poems but also the name given to a chapter in his autobiography, We Move Tonight: The Making of the Grenada Revolution. (It is also the shortest chapter in the book.) This year’s symposium featured an honoured guest (Basil “Akii” Gahagan) and four panelists (Michael D. Roberts, Laurie Lambert,… Read More »35th Anniversary of 19th October, 1983 — A.L. Rougier

MY SHADOWMANIA By dalton narine

Reading Time 3 minsBig Drum Nation Mighty Shadow Tribute: MY SHADOWMANIA By dalton narine  NO STRANGER, THIS CALYPSOMAN SHADOW We were writers on the prowl. It was 1971 when Errol Pilgrim and I walked into Port Services to catch the Mighty Shadow’s first songs at a public venue.  Amid the sparseness, the stage was as dark as the mood. Then a small crowd started to build, and a figure in drag, so it seemed, walked across the stage as a skeleton. Shadow had arrived. He opened with Modern Housewives a funny paean of praise for the lady in the house.… Read More »MY SHADOWMANIA By dalton narine